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URFE Honoré d’ L’Astrée… où par plusieurs histoires, et souz personnes de Bergers, & d’autres, sont deduits les divers effets de l’honneste amitié.


Imprimé à Rouen et se vend à Paris, Antoine de Sommaville, 1647

5 stout volumes, 8vo (180 x 117 mm) 8 unn.ll. (including engraved title, printed title, dedication to the king, introduction and an engraved portrait of Astrée) 755 pp., 2 nn.ll., 12 engraved plates for volume I; 8 nn.ll. (including engraved title, printed title, introduction, table, and the portraits of Urfé and Astrée), 984 pp., 12 engraved plates gravées for volume II; 12 nn.ll. (including engraved title, printed title, dedication to the king, ode to the river Lignon, and the engraved portraits of Astrée and Urfé), 1221 pp., 1 nn.l., 12 engraved plates for volume III; 8 nn.ll. (including engraved title, printed title, dedication to Marie of Medicis, introduction to the reader, and the engraved portraits of Astrée and Urfé), 1386 pp., 2 nn.ll., 12 engraved plates for volume IV; 16 nn.ll. (including engraved title, printed title, dedication to Spinola, dedication to Astrée, introdcution to the reader, privilege, and the engraved portraits of Astrée and Baro), 953 pp., 2 nn.ll. (including last blank), 12 engraved plates of which 2 are mounted. Contemporary vellum, flat spines with manuscript lettering.


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The beginnings of the psychological novels

Tchemerzine, V, 943.

Last, complete edition, of Astrée. The printing of this edition was shared between the publishers Toussaint, Quinet, Augustin Courbé and Antoine de Sommaville. The illustrations of this edition, consisting of 74 engraved plates, are included into the pagination: 1 repeated engraved frontispiece to each volume, 12 plates per volume, one portrait of Astrée repeated in each volume, a portrait of Urfé repeated 3 times (volume II, III, and IV), and one single portrait of Baro in volume V.

“It is Astrea that marks [Honoré d’Urfe’s] place in the annals of French literary history. The novel has been characterized as baroque for its elaborate relationships, symmetry, and narrative complexity. The narrative structure incorporates poetry, prose, and songs interspersed throughout the principal and secondary plots. Astrea had an immense impact on the précieuses and later on Rousseau” (Karen L. Taylor, The Facts on File Companion to the French Novel, p. 119).

"Roman pastoral de l'écrivain français Honoré d'Urfé, les deux dernières par les soins de son secrétaire, Balthazar Baro. L'auteur raconte les amours du berger Céladon, et de la bergère Astrée. A travers mille péripéties, l'action se déroule au Ve siècle après J.-C. aux temps anciens des Gaulois et des druides, sur les rivages enchanteurs du Lignon, dans une des plus belles régions de la France, le Forez… L'œuvre prend modèle sur les grands exemples italiens de l'Aminta du Tasse et du Pasteuer fido de Guarini, et plus directement sur Diana, roman de l'Espagnol Montemayor. La délicatesse des descriptions de la nature et la peinture des sentiments humains s'y unissent à la galanterie et à l'amour tels qu'on les pratiquait dans la société française. Ce roman très célèbre pendant tout le XVIIe siècle intéresse le savant par la peinture précise de l'idéal précieux et mondain qu'il nous donne; de plus s'y affirme un goût exceptionnel pour la recherche psychologique qui – à travers la fiction pastoral – influa sur l'esprit et sur la littérature du grand siècle, et détermina l'évolution du roman psychologique" (Laffont).

Fine copy, well preserved in its first binding and complete with all its illustrations. Some plates are signed on the copper plate by Daniel Rabel (1578-1637) famous miniature painter and a master of botanical illustrations. He was personal painter to Gaston of Orleans, King Henri IV son.

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