BARATTIERI Giovanni Battista Architettura d’acque [Parte prima]. [Et :] Architettura d’acque [Parte seconda]… nella quale se contiene misura, divisione, e livellatione dell’Acque correnti, con moltescritture di vari casi.


Piacenza, Giovanni Bazachi, 1656-1663

2 volumes, small folio (279 x 180 mm) 10 unn.ll., 277 pp., 1 un.l., 42 woodcut illustrations including 3 double page for part I ; (318 x 225 mm) 4 unn.ll., 296 pp., 1 folding woodcut plate between pp. 258/59; Part I in 18th century vellum backed boards, part II in the original Italian 17th century grey boards.


1 in stock

Riccardi, I, 73.1; cf. Roberts & Trent, 21 (ed. 1783).

First edition of both parts.

Extremely rare set of both volumes, complete with all illustrations including the folding plate and the double page illustrations (depicting the river Pô).

The Architettura d'Acque is the most important book published by the engineer Barattieri from Piacenza (Italy). After the completion in 1663, the work went through several editions until the end of 18th century. Ricardi, in his bibliography published in 1952, already mentions the rarity of both parts : "Le due parti riunite di questa edizione sono rare a rinvenirsi".

"The most comprehensive of the 17th century Italian hydraulic treatises. Engineer to the Duke of Parma, Barattieri drew on the pioneer studies of Castelli as well a making full use of his own observations and experiments. Primarily concerned with the all-important regulation and control of rivers, the work was published in two separate books of which the first is hugely practical… A second part, largely theoretical, was issued in 1663" (Julia Elton, in:  Weinreb, Cat. 50:7).

Some occasional spotting or small wormhole to volume I with tear to pages 52/53 (no loss).

Volume II full margined and entirely uncut.

Provenance for the second part : Jacques Laget (book-plate).

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