CODE Code de Procédure civile. Édition originale et seule officielle.


Paris, imprimerie impériale par J.J. Marcel, 1806

4to (251 x 200 mm) 2 unn.l., 358 pp. Contemporary tree calf, decorative gilt ruling on covers, flat spine gilt, yellow edges


1 in stock

Brunet, II, 118; Tulard, 435.

First edition.

"The Code of Civil Procedure, decreed on 12 April 1806 and promulgated on 24 April 1806, is the first code of civil procedure in French law. It is a collection of various procedural laws enacted during the Revolution, the Directory, the Consulate and the beginning of the Empire, as well as a revival of certain provisions of the Ancien Droit. This code of civil procedure comprises 1,042 articles and is applicable from 1 January 1807" (see Wikipedia).

The Code de procédure civile is a complement to the Code civil. It is the result of a project directed by Eustache-Nicolas Pigeau (1750-1818), jurisconsult and professor of procedure at the École de Droit de Paris since 1805.

Attractive copy, small expert restorations to spine and corners.

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