ARGOLI Andrea Ephemerides exactissimae caelestium motuum ad longitudinem Almae Urbis, et Tychonis Brahe hypoteses, ad deductas è Coelo accuratè observationes Ab Anno MDCXLI ad Annum MDCC.


Lyon, J.A. Huguetan, 1677

3 volumes, 4° (221 x 170 mm) 10 unn.ll. including frontispiece and portrait (both copper engravings), 587 pp. and 1 unn.l. for volume I; 915 pp. for volume II; 903 pp. for volume III. Contemporary flexible vellum, manuscript title on spines.


1 in stock

Lalande, 286; Houzeau & Lancaster, 15174.

The most complete edition, finely illustrated with engraved frontispiece, portrait, one plate in volume one and several engravings in the text.

Andrea Argoli (1570-1659) taught mathematics at the "Sapienza" in Rome between 1622 and 1627, after which he moved to Padua. The Ephemerides cover the years 1641 to 1700.

"Argoli's extensive Ephemerides… which were based on the observations of Tycho Brahe, gave a permanence to his reputation that his other writings would scarcely have achieved" (DSB).

The first volume starts with Argoli's Astronomicorum, in which he develops his own geocentric system.

Good copy, albeit some occasional worming in the margins.

Each title page with a modern ownership inscription.

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