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BRUNNER Johann Conrad Experimenta nova circa pancreas. Accedit diatribe de lympha & genuino pancreatis usu.


Amsterdam, Wetsten, 1683

12mo (159 x 92 mm) 8 nn.ll. including engraved title-frontispiece, 168 pp., 4 nn.ll., 4 copper plates (2 folding). Contemporary sheep, spine gilt with raised bands, red speckled edges.


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Towards the discovery of diabetes

Garrison-Morton, 3927 ; Wellcome, II, 258 ; NLM, 1886.

First edition of the important endocrynological study on the function of the pancreas by the Swiss anatomist Johann Conrad Brunner (1653-1727).

"Brunner came nearly to discovering pancreatic diabetes. His experiments on the dog represent pioneer work on internal secretion. Following excision of the pancreas, he recorded extreme thirst and polyuria" (Garrison-Morton).

Fine copy, complete, binding slightly restored.

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