HEISTER Laurent Institutions de chirurgie, où l’on traite dans un ordre clair et nouveau de tout ce qui a rapport à cet art. [suivi de :] DU MEME. Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire de la chirurgie du XVIIIème siècle et de supplément aux Institutions chirurgicales.


Avignon, Niel, 1770-1773

3 volumes, 4to (252 x 194 mm) engraved portrait frontispiece, 16, XLII, 627 pp., 2 nn.ll., 18 engraved and numbered plates for volume I; 1 nn.l., 639 pp., 18 nn.ll., engraved and numbered plates 19 to 40 for volume II; 2 nn.ll., XL, 136 pp., 3 nn.ll., 204 pp. (misnumbered 104), 1 nn.l., 1 engraved folding palte for the supplement. Contemporary mottled sheep, spine git with raised bands, red edges (some old restorations to hinges and spines).


1 in stock

N.L.M., p.204 (only fiorst 2 volumes). See Garrison-Morton, 5576 (for the first edition in German).

First edition of this French tranlation by Paul, complete with the supplement.

"Heister is the founder of scientific surgery in Germany" (Garrison-Morton).

Good copy, in its contemporary binding.

Rubber stamp of the the library of Juan Carlos Ahumada on the title of the supplement.

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