LABAT Jean-Baptiste Voyage du Chevalier Des Marchais en Guinée, isles voisines, et à Cayenne, Fait en 1725, 1726 & 1727. Contenant une Description très exacte & très étenduë de ces Païs, & du Commerce qui s’y fait.


Paris, Pierre Prault, 1730

4 volumes, 12mo (163 x 96 mm) engraved title, XXIV pp., 1 nn.l., 381 pp., 14 engraved paltes for volume I; 2 nn.ll., 364 pp., 12 engraved paltes for volume II; 2 nn.ll., 350 pp., 4 engraved plates for volume III; 2 nn.ll., pp. 345 to 681, 18 nn.ll., 1 engraved folding map for volume IV. Contemporary marbled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, red edges.


1 in stock

Sabin, 38414; Alden-Landis, 730/130.

 First edition.

This is Father Labat's second work devoted to the West African coasts. For the region between the Sierrelionne River and Cape Gabon, he used first-hand information provided by the Chevalier Des Marchais, a "great man of the sea" who traded between Africa and Cayenne, and who had a good knowledge of African languages.

The last two volumes deal with Cayenne and French Guiana, and contain the Code Noir in force in the Islands, and the Code Noir of Louisiana, as well as a compendium of the language spoken in the kingdom of Judah in Guinea, "very useful to those who trade in Blacks in this kingdom, & for the Surgeons of the ships, to question the Blacks when they are ill".

"French Dominican missionary active in the West Indies… He reached the Caribbean in 1693 and ministered to the Indians until 1706, visiting the islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe. Labat was a devoted naturlist and student of engineering, and at the governor's request in 1702 supervised the building of new forts on Gouadeloupe. His voyage between Martinique and Guadeloupe in 1705 was on a ship of the French pirate, Capitain Daniel, whose exploits Labat describes in detail" (Howgego).

The 32 plates (including the engraved title) with maps, plans, plants and animals. Very good copy.

Bookplates of Château de Rosny La Solitude, and Paul Lebaudy.

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