MAURICEAU François Les Maladies des Femmes grosses et accouchées. Avec la bonne et véritable Méthode de les bien aider en leurs accouchemens naturels, & les moyens de remedier à tous ceux qui sont contre-nature, & aux indispositions des enfans nouveau-nés…


Paris, Henault, d’Houry, de Ninville, Coignard, 1668

4to (240 x 175 mm) 1 engraved title, 12 unn.l and 536 pp. Calf, spine gilt with raised bands (contemporary binding).


1 in stock

Garrison-Morton, 6147; Norman, 1461; NLM, 7588 (inc.); Wellcome, IV, 85; manque à Waller.

First edition.

A master surgeon and the first obstetrician at the Paris Maternity Hospital, Mauriceau established obstetrics as a speciality in its own right. His work, which was translated into several languages, brought innovations to traditional practice: he insisted on the need to know anatomy and physiology, preferred delivery in a bed rather than in the obstetric chair, analysed the conformation of the pelvis, foetal movements, the winding of the cord around the neck, and so on. The volume is illustrated with an engraved title with a medallion portrait of the author and engraved figures in the text.

[Included ]: 

MAURICEAU, François. Observations sur la grossesse et l'accouchement des femmes et sur leurs maladies et celles des enfans nouveau-nez. Paris, Anisson, 1694. 4to, 4 unn.l, 572 pp., 6 unn.l. Calf, spine gilt with raised bands (contemporary binding).

Wellcome, IV, 85; cf. NLM., 7601 et Norman, 1462 for the edition of 1695.

First edition

Case studies collected by Mauriceau in the course of his long practice. Contrary to Norman's indications, this volume appeared separately before being published as Volume II of the fourth edition of Traité des Maladies des femmes grosses.

One of the Wellcome's two editions of this first edition includes a portrait.

Very rare set in contemporary bindings.

Restoration in the lower margin of 4 leaves of the Traité.

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