MAUNDRELL Henri Voyage d’Alep à Jérusalem, à Pâques en l’année 1697.


Paris, Pierre Ribou, 1706

12mo (162 x 91 mm) 1 engraved frontispiece, 8 unn.l., 252 pp. and 9 engraved plates. Brown calf,  spine gilt with raised bands (contemporary binding).


1 in stock

Atabey 784 for the first edition.

First edition of the French translation.

Chaplain to the Compagnie du Levant in Aleppo from 1696 to 1701, Maundrell undertook this journey to the Holy Land in the company of 14 co-religionists.

His account is "so ingeniously written it might serve as a model for all writers of travel".

The plates show views and plans of the remains and a beautiful fold-out view of Baalbecq.

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