MOUHY Charles de Fieux Mémoires d’Anne-Marie de Moras, comtesse de Courbon, écrits par elle-même, et adressez à mademoiselle de *** pensionnaire au couvent du Cherche-Midi. Première [-quatrième] partie.


La Haye, de Hondt, 1740

4 parts in 1 volume, 12mo (161 x 94 mm) 9 nn.ll., 79 pp. for part I; 1 nn.l., 112 pp. for part II; 1 nn.l., 107 pp. for part III; 1 nn.l., 135 pp. for part IV. Each part with an individuial title page printed in red and black and with an engraved vignette. Contempoorary polished calf, gilt armorial pieces of the Rohan-Chabot family in corners, spine gilt with raised bands, red edges (slightly rubbed).


1 in stock

Bound for the Dukes Rohan-Chabot

Gay-Lemonnyer, III, 114; Cioranescu, 47527.

First edition.

In 1739, the Chevalier Charles de Mouhy (1701-1784) wrote a surprisingly modern little masterpiece based on a news item that was the talk of high and good society. It was about the recent kidnapping (in 1737) of a very young 13-year-old girl from a wealthy family of financiers by a nobleman of little means.

The novelist invents an account of her adventure by the young girl, who is locked up in a convent, while her lover has fled abroad to avoid being sentenced to beheading.

 A very fine copy, perfectly preserved.

Provenance: Rohan-Chabot library (coat of arms at the corners, and library label at the tail of the spine).

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