PHIPPS Constantine John Voyage au pôle Boréal, fait en 1773, par ordre du roi d’Angleterre. Traduit de l’anglois.


Paris, Saillant & Nyon, 1775

4to (258 x 199 mm) XII, 259 pp., 2 nn.ll., (privilege and binder's instructions), 11 folding tables, 12 engraved folding plates. Contemporary polished calf attributed to Padeloup, triple gilt filet on covers, spine with raised bands, gilt in grotesque style, inner dentelle, blue speckled edges (expertly rebacked).


1 in stock

Sabin, 62574 ; Chadenat, 661 ; Howgego, P82 ; see Hill, 1351 (English edition 1774).

First edition of this French translation by Demeunier, revised by the explorer Claret de Fleurieu. The translation was a very difficult one as explained in the preface. "La Marine, l'Astronomie, les Sciences & les Arts mécaniques ont des termes techniques que l'on n'apprend dans les deux langues qu'après beaucoup de soin. M. le chevalier de Fleurieu, enseigne des vaisseaux du roi, qui a fait un voyage si utiles aux marins & aux astronomes, & qui a tant de zèle pour les progrès de la navigation, a pris la peine de revoir & d'expliquer les endroits les plus difficiles avec une bonté pour laquelle le traducteur ne sçauroit trop lui témoigner de reconnaissance" (introduction).

Famous account of the voyage to the North Pole by the English explorer and naturalist Constantine John Phipps (1744-1792). The expedition consisted of two ships, including the Racehorse under Phipps' command, and included Israel Lyons, Nicholas Biddle and Horatio Nelson among its crew. Phipps embarked on 4 June 1773 and sailed as far as Svalbard and the Seven Islands, but had to turn back on 17 September because of the ice. The book contains interesting astronomical observations made with Israel Lyons, and a study of the natural products of Spitsbergen.

"The valuable appendix gives geographical and meteorological observations. The voyage is perhaps best remembered for the presence of young Horatio Nelson, as midshipman aboard the Carcass, and his encounter with a polar bear" (Hill).

The 12 fine plates with maps, views, coastal lines, shells, etc. The 11 typographical tables with statistical material.

Fine copy, according an inscription the binding would be the work of the masterbinder Padeloup.

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