POIRET abbé J.-L Voyage en Barbarie, ou lettres écrites de l’ancienne Numidie pendant les années 1785 & 1786, Sur la Religion, les Coutumes & les Moeurs des Maures & des Arabes-Bédouins; avec un Essai sur l’Histoire Naturelle de ce pays.


Paris, Née de la Rochelle, 1789

2 volumes, 8vo (195 x 125 mm) 2 nn.ll., 363 pp. for volume I; 2 nn.ll., 315 pp., 2 nn.ll. for volume II. Contempory half-sheep, flat spine gilt.


1 in stock

Gay, 463 ; Playfair Algeria, 283 ; Ashbee, 50.

First edition.

The author, a botanist, travelled around Bône, Calle and Constantine. He studied the customs and habits of the inhabitants, but above all the natural history of these regions. The major portion of the first volume and the whole of the second being devoted to it: "The olive tree, the vine, the pomegranate and the strawberry tree which grow on the hillsides in abundance and without cultivation prove how advantageous it would be to cultivate them there".

Upper cover of first volume scuffed, otherwise in good condition.

Ex-libris Château de Rosny.

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