BIBLIA Novum D.N. Iesu Christi Testamentum. Latine iam olim a Veteri interprete, nunc denuo a Theodoro Beza… redditur.


Genève, Robert Estienne, 1556

Folio (375 x 236 mm) 336 num.ll., 42 num.ll (including last blank). Eighteenth-century French speckled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, speckled edges (some overall restoration).


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First edition of this translation and commentaries by Theodor Beza

Renouard, 87:1; Schreiber, 113 (indicates erroneously 46 num.ll.; Darlow-Moule, 6139.

First edition of the New Testament with notes and corrections by Theodor Beza, overall the fifth Estienne edition of the Bible. It remained the model for many later editions. The New Testament was made available separately and this copy bears the date of 1556 on the title (although the colophon is dated 1557 such as the title of the Old Testament, not present here). Printed in two columns, the first of which contains the text of the Vulgate text; the second is occupied by Theodore Beza's translation; the important commentary by the translator (here in first edition) is printed at the lower part and occupies almost a third of the leaves. There are numerous references to Greek texts with quotations. The last 41 leaves of the volume containing the index of Hebraea, Chaldaea, Graeca & Latina nomina, is missing in many copies.

"Le Nouveau Testament se trouve parfois séparément, et il parait que ces exemplaires séparés sont datés de 1556" (Renouard).

"First edition of the popular Latin Translation of the New Testament by Theodore Beza, which forms the basis of numerous later editions… The index of Hebraea, Chaldaea, Graeca & Latina nomina is often not present" (Schreiber).

Copy ruled in red, some occasional spotting, else fine. Provenance : Boullay (17th century signature) – De Seigeulai (signature dated 1692) Congregation of the Lazarist fathers in Paris, ex dono Ruffé (inscription on the title) – Couvent St Dominique (rubber stamp with number '49').

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