SEVIGNE Marquise de Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis


Paris, Bossange, Masson et Besson, 1806

8 volumes, 8vo (198 x 123 mm) of 7 unn.l. (half-title, portrait of Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sévigné by Chasselat  proof before landters, portrait of Madame de Sévigné by Auguste de Saint Aubin, portrait of Françoise Marguerite de Sévigné, Comtesse de Grignan by Chasselat proof before landters, title, facsimile landter, notice), CLXIV pp., xxxv pp., 334 pp. and 8 engraved portraits for the volume I ; 2 unn.l. (half-title and title), 479 pp. and 6  engraved portraits for the volume II ;  2 unn.l. (half-title and title), 478 pp. and 4 engraved portraits for the volume III ;  2 unn.l. (half-title and title), 494 pp. and 4 engraved portraits for the volume IV ;  2 unn.l.  (half-title and title), 480 pp. and 4 engraved portraits for the volume V ;  2 unn.l. (half-title and title), 447 pp. and 2 engraved portraits for the volume VI ;  2 unn.l. (half-title and title), 527 pp. and 3 engraved portraits for the volume VII;  2 unn.l. (half-title and title), 536 pp (dernière mal chiffrée 636), 1 l. d'errata and 4 engraved portraits for the volume VIII. Long-grained red morocco, flat spine gilt, black morocco title and volume label,gilt roll framing covers, inner roll, gilt edges (A.Van Rossum, Amsterdam).


1 in stock

Enlarged copy with 16 additional portraits

Quérard, IX, p.103.

New édition,"plus complète que les précédentes et à laquelle on trouve souvent ajoutés les vingt portraits qu'a publiés M. Renouard" (Quérard). 

Our edition contains 35 portraits in addition to the 3 in the frontispiece. Our copy therefore includes 15 additional portraits in the text.

On the 3 first portraits,  that of the Countess by Augustin Saint Aubin has been added to our copy. 

The list of figures is as follows: 

For volume I: Louis XIV as a child, Madame de La Vallière, Mademoiselle la duchesse de Montpensier, Bourdaloue. Our copy also includes: La Bryère, Ninon de l'Enclos, Torquato Tasso, and Voltaire. 
For volume II: Bossuet, Boileau, Corneille, plus Horatius, Virgilius and Pérarque. 
Volume III: Montaigne, Cardinal de Retz, Turenne, with the addition of Fléchier for our copy. 
Volume IV: Molière, La Fontaine, Madame de Montespan, plus Colbert in our copy.
Volume V: Madame de Maintenon, La Rochefaucauld, plus GA de Chaulière and Mazarin in our copy.
Volume VI: Le Grand Condé and Louis XIV. 
For volume VII: Pascal, Racine, to which is added a portrait of Bossuet after Rigaud (different from the one in volume II). 
Volume VIII: Fénélon, to which is added a second portrait of Fénelon after Vivien, plus Massillon and d'Alembert. 

Madame de Sévigné's Correspondence gives us an insight into the life of the nobility in the 17th century. The Marquise's letters offer us a dual perspective, providing us with both a panorama of the court and its leading figures, and a glimpse into daily life. Indeed, thanks to a true and feminine style of writing, the Marquise recounts her emotional and moral life. 

Her letters were intimate and private, not intended for publication, and offer a sense of truth and sincerity. 

A fine set, spines of volumes VI and VIII isolated, some plates of volumes II and VI foxed, first 2 leaves of volume I almost unbound.

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