DU VERNEY Guichard Joseph Traité de l’organe de l’ouie, contenant la Structure, les Usages & les Maladies de toutes les parties de l’Oreille.


Paris, Estienne Michallet, 1683

12mo (162 x 90 mm) 12 nn.ll., 210 pp., 16 engraved folding plates. Contemporary calf, spine gilt with raised bands (slighlty restored, hinges rubbed).


1 in stock

The first scientific work of the anatomy of the ear

Garrison-Morton, 1545 et 3351 ; Norman, 674 ; Waller, 2670 ; Wellcome II, 506 ; N.LM., 3590; Heirs of Hippocrates, 664.

First edition.

Duverney (1648-1730), physician to Christine of Sweden and the Grand Condé, considerably improved knowledge of the anatomy, physiology and pathology of the organs of hearing, highlighting the role of the labyrinth, and attributing the discharge of otitis to the ear and not to the brain..

"First scientific account of the structure, function and diseases of the ear" (Garrison-Morton). "Duverney… was the first to suggest the resonnance theory of hearing that was later developped by Helmholtz" (Norman).

"The present treatise is the fist scientific account of the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the ear" (Heirs).

The fine plates depict details of the outer and the inner ear.

Good copy.

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