LEMERY Nicolas Traité universel des drogues simples, mises en ordre alphabétique. Où l’on trouve leurs differens noms, leur origine, leur choix, les principes qu’elles renferment, leurs qualitez, leur ethymologie, et tout ce qu’il y a de particulier dans les Animaux, dans les Vegetaux & dans les Mineraux.


Paris, Laurent D’Houry, 1699

4to (244 x 180 mm) 8 unn.l, 838 pp., 30 unn.l. Marbled calf, spine gilt with raised bands, title label in brown morroco (contemporary binding).


1 in stock

Wellcome, III, 488 ; NLM, 6862 ; Pritzel, 5211 ; DSB, VII, 174.

First edition

The work was published in 1698: this copy has a relay title dated 1699.

Along with the Pharmacopée universelle published in 1697 by Nicolas Lemery (Rouen, 1645-Paris, 1715), this dictionary, which lists and describes all the simple medicines known at the time, is one of the most important books in the history of Western pharmacy.

"Lemery's chief contributions to pharmacy were his two complementary works, the Pharmacopée universelle and the Traité des drogues simples. These are alphabetically arranged lists of composite and simples respectively, giving the source, virtues, doses, and therapeutic action of the various medicaments. They represent a comprehensive dictionary of pharmaceuticals" (DSB).

A good copy; binding skilfully restored, outer margin of last ten table leaves reinforced.

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