ZARATE Augustin Le Historie… dello scoprimento et conquista del Peru, nelle quali si ha piene & particolar relatione delle cose successe in quelle bande, dal principio fino alla pacificatione delle Provincie, si in quel che tocca allo scoprimento, come al successo delle guerre civili occorse fra gli Spagnuoli & Capitani, che le conquistarono. Nuovamente di lingua castigliana tradotte dal S. Alfonso Ulloa.


Vinegia, appresso Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1563

4to (205 x 143 mm) 8 nn.ll., 294 pp. 18th century calf, spine with raised bands.


1 in stock

Sabin, 106270; Alden-Landis, 563/30; J.C.B. I, 104; Leclerc, 1865.

First Italian edition. Agustin de Zarate was a high official who served as secretary to the Royal Council of Castile for 15 years. In 1543, Charles V sent him to Peru along with Blasco Nunez Vela, the first viceroy of Peru, to oversee finances. Although a prudent man, he could not avoid getting involved in the ongoing conflict, and he apparently favoured Gonzalo Pizarro's faction. In 1545, he returned to Spain, bringing with him a considerable collection of personal notes and other documents about the civil war. With the help of these and other published sources, Zarate composed this book starting with the Spanish discovery of Peru and ending with the death of Gonzalo Pizarro and the restoration of royal authority by governor Pedro de la Gasca. A fine copy.

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