VIVIANI Vincenzo De locis solidis, secunda divinatio geometrica… Opus conicum.


Florence, Typis Regiae Celsitudinis, 1701

In-folio (301 x 210 mm) de 12, 164, 128 pp., un portrait et 2 planches sur double page. Basane mouchetée, dos à nerfs orné (reliure de l'époque).


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Par un élève de Galilée

Riccardi, 629: "Bella et rara ediz."; Cinti, 167.

Édition originale. Premier ouvrage de Viviani, qui ne fut imprimé qu'à la fin de sa vie.

"Although the Medici court gave him much work, Viviani studied the geometry of the ancients. His accomplishments brought him membership in the Accademia del Cimento, and in 1696 he became a member of the Royal Society of London. in 1699 he was elected one of the eight foreign members of the Académie des Sciences in Paris… Viviani's first project was an attempted restoration of a work by Aristaeus the Elder, De locis solidis divinatio geometrica, which Viviani undertook when he was twenty-four. Aristaeus' work is believed to have been the first methodical exposition of the curves discovered by Menaechmus; but since it has been entirely lost, it is difficult to estimate how close Viviani came to the original work" (DSB XIV, p.49).

Viviani (1622-1703) fut l'élève et le biographe de Galilée. L'ouvrage est illustré d'un portrait de Galilée et de 2 planches représentant la maison construite par Viviani en son honneur et décorée de plaques portant des inscriptions à sa louange.

Bon exemplaire. Une galerie de vers dans la marge des derniers feuillets atteint un peu les planches.

Petites restaurations anciennes.

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