Rubik’s Cube Inventor Writes A New Book: It’s Full Of Twists And Turns
Lenny Kravitz On Race, Being On The Road, And Ruff Ruff The Magic Dog
After Chasing Threats Abroad, Former CIA Chief John Brenna
Booker Prize announcement delayed to avoid Obama clash
The National Book Award longlists
Weekend reading
The National Book Award longlists
The best history books of September
Milk and Honey is a collection of poetry and prose by Rupi Kaur
The collection is about survival. It is divided into sections, with each section serving a different purpose and relevance to Kaur’s experience. The sections explore the themes of violence, abuse, love, loss.
Salon international du livre d’Abu Dhabi
À l’occasion du Salon International d’Abu Dhabi, de nombreux medias locaux tels que Alittihad ont souhaité parler de nous a leur lecteurs. Retrouvez ci-dessous leur publications Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas at vehicula tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Donec eu quam pulvinar, ullamcorper libero at, vehicula purus. Suspendisse ut nisl et leo […]